Information For Authors
Interested authors are invited to submit their manuscripts. Register and log in to follow the step-by-step submission process.
Manuscript preparation:
Authors must use the Microsoft Word or LaTeX templates to prepare their manuscript. The details on fonts and related artwork are included in the template. The submitted file must not exceed 50 MB. The manuscript should follow the outline provided below:
- Title: The title of the manuscript should clearly reflect the content of the manuscript
- Author Names and Affiliations: Each author should be identified using their first name, middle initial (where applicable) and surname. Institutional affiliation, Department and Address should be provided in the relevant section on the template. The affiliation of each author is identified by use of a special character as indicated on the template.
The author designated as the corresponding author MUST provide an email address. The corresponding author is responsible for the manuscript during the peer-review process. The corresponding author must verify the inclusion of all eligible co-authors and that they approve submission to the journal. - Abstract: The abstract should be concise and limited to 250 words. It should emphasize the novelty of the study, highlighting the aim of the study, the methods used, and conclusions.
- Keywords: Below the abstract, 3 to 5 appropriate key words should be placed for the purpose of indexing.
- Introduction: The purpose and objectives of the manuscript should be stated clearly. The introduction should include a brief review of relevant literature, clearly cited.
- Methodology: Methods used for collection of data should be clearly described. Experimental methods should indicate the apparatus and procedures used to ensure that the experiment can be repeated. Where standard procedures are used, these should be clearly cited. Use of SI Units is recommended.
- Results: Results should be presented logically in figures and tables according to the format provided in the template. For quantitative data, the appropriate statistical parameter(s) should be expressed. Tables should be placed where they are mentioned in the text, with a descriptive caption at the top. High resolution figures saved as JPEGs or TIFF should be provided, with a caption underneath. Figures should be placed close to where they are mentioned in the text. Axes on graphs should be clearly labelled with units of measurement indicated in brackets. The scales should be indicated where a photomicrograph is used.
- Discussion: The discussion should place emphasis on the new findings of the manuscript and explore the possible explanations of the findings. The discussion should also contrast the findings with related work in the broader field of study. The discussion should also indicate the areas of limitations of the study.
- Conclusions: The conclusion should review the main points of the paper, elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications and extensions.
- Acknowledgements: Acknowledge all contributions that do not rise to the level of authorship e.g. technical support, review of manuscript. Any financial support received for the study should also be disclosed in this section. Use the singular heading even if you have many acknowledgments. The corresponding author must obtain prior permission from individuals mentioned in this section for listing.
- References: Published or in-press sources including peer-review and editorially reviewed sources, and internet URLs may be cited as references. Citations should be numbered consecutively in square brackets [1]. References should include all authors’ names. Papers that have not been published should be cited as “unpublished”. Papers that have been submitted for publication should be cited as “submitted for publication”. Papers that have been accepted for publication, but not yet specified for an issue should be cited as “to be published”.
To submit your manuscript, register/log in to the website and follow the step-by-step submission process.