Effects of Greenhouse Surface Inclination and Orientation on Exterior Longwave Radiation Exchange


  • Erick K. Ronoh Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Thomas Rath Biosystems Engineering Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Oldenburger Landstr. 24, D-49090 Osnabrück, Germany


Greenhouse surface, inclination, longwave radiation exchange, orientation.


The radiation exchange at greenhouse surfaces is of great interest for energy balance. At these surfaces, the usual
factors of interest are local temperatures and energy fluxes. The greenhouse surfaces are inclined and oriented in various ways
and thus can influence the radiation exchange. This study was carried out to determine the effects of surface inclination and
orientation on the longwave radiation exchange. For this purpose, four identical thermal boxes were developed to simulate the
roof and the wall greenhouse surfaces. The surface temperatures and the atmospheric parameters were noted under all-sky
conditions. Variations were found in the surface-to-air temperature differences at the roof and the wall surfaces. The exposed
roofs registered lower temperature differences than the walls. However, the surface orientation effect on the longwave radiation
exchange was insignificant. Although the effect of orientation on the radiation exchange was negligible, the effect of surface
inclination was evident especially on clear-sky nights. Overall, the results form a basis for decisions on greenhouse design
improvements and climate control interventions in the horticultural industry.




How to Cite

Ronoh, E. K., & Rath, T. (2017). Effects of Greenhouse Surface Inclination and Orientation on Exterior Longwave Radiation Exchange. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING, 3(4), 105-112. Retrieved from https://jsre.jkuat.ac.ke/index.php/jsre/article/view/63