User Preference Based Network Selection Management in a Heterogeneous Network


  • Samuel Ndegwa Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
  • Kumbirayi Nyachionjeka University of Botswana
  • Edwell Mharakurwa Dedan Kimathi University of Technology


heterogeneous network, Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method, Network Selection Algorithm, Vertical Handover


The development of the integration of various access network technologies into a heterogeneous network aims to complement each other in satisfying mobile user’s required Quality of Service (QoS). Network selection decision is essential during the User Equipment (UE) movement in a heterogeneous network. Maintaining QoS during the handover process by selecting the access network that meets the UE user’s needs is important in eliminating interruptions of multimedia services running on the UE. Additionally, the time taken to make the network selection decision should be minimal to maintain the QoS during and after the vertical handover process. A user preference-based network selection algorithm is developed in this paper. The algorithm ensures that the best access network that meets the UE application’s needs is selected for vertical handover execution. This algorithm is achieved by utilizing Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods. Received Signal Strength (RSS), data rate, delay, Bit Error Rate (BER), access network mobility, security, and service cost are the parameters used to evaluate the access networks’ performance. The developed algorithm selects the best available access network depending on the UE user’s needs. The algorithm also achieves minimum time delay in making the network selection decision. The reliability of the developed network selection algorithm was proved by the selection of the most suitable access network that meets the UE user’s needs and achieving the minimum network selection decision delay close to the other developed network selection approaches.

Author Biographies

Samuel Ndegwa, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Kumbirayi Nyachionjeka, University of Botswana

Department of Electrical Engineering

Edwell Mharakurwa, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering




How to Cite

Ndegwa, S., Nyachionjeka, K., & Mharakurwa, E. (2024). User Preference Based Network Selection Management in a Heterogeneous Network. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING, 8(2), 103-113. Retrieved from