About the Journal
The Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering (JSRE) (ISSN: 2409-1243) is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes original and high quality research papers with properly documented results that have major positive impact in Science and Technology, for the benefit of mankind. The journal is published by College of Engineering and Technology (CoETEC) of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT).
To be a leading avenue for publication of top notch scholarly articles in the broad area of mechanical engineering and allied disciplines
Journal Scope
The Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering seeks to enhance the visibility of research carried out in, but not limited to engineering. The key goal of the journal is to publish new experimental and theoretical research across all areas of Engineering Research. Research areas are categorized as:
- Emerging manufacturing trends
- Power transmission and utilization
- Energy generation and supply optimization
- New and renewable energy solutions
- Industrial maintenance processes
- Industrial processes performance and control
- Technology transfer to industry and society
- Industrialization strategies for Vision 2030
- Climate change and pollution control
- Environmental management research
- Mineral exploration, mining and processing strategies
- Optimization strategies in transport sector
- Quality management techniques
- Communication improvement strategies
- Sustainable research strategies
Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome.
The editorial team is committed to ensuring high quality publication, while ensuring few delays in publication. Utmost objectivity is ensured during the peer review process, through our double-blind peer review system.
From time to time, the Journal will publish review articles that discuss specific issues in a certain sub-field of engineering. The Editors reserve the right to reject papers without sending them out for review
Manuscript Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering undergo peer review prior to acceptance, as a means of assuring excellence and quality of the publications. Our reviewers play a significant role in maintaining the standards of the Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering.
Initial manuscript evaluation
All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Associate Editors to ensure that they are within the aims and scope of the Journal. At this stage, manuscripts can be rejected due to significant scientific flaws, lack of originality and plagiarism. Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will typically be informed within two weeks of receipt. Those that meet the minimum criteria are forwarded to at least two expert referees for review.
Peer Review
The Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering employs ‘double blind’ review, in which the identity of the reviewers remains anonymous to the author(s) throughout the review process. Similarly, the author(s)’ identity also remains unknown to the reviewers. Whenever possible, manuscripts are matched to reviewers who can best review the authors’ work based on their expertise and experience. We welcome suggestions for reviewers from the author(s), though such non-binding recommendations are not necessarily used.
Reviewers are required to evaluate whether the study presented in the manuscript:
- Clearly contributes to the knowledge and development of the field
- Exhibits originality both in thought organization, methodology and data.
- Is presented logically and is methodologically sound
- Presents results that support the hypothesis
- Correct referencing of previous relevant work
- Follows ethical guidelines, especially as concerns plagiarism and authorship
The peer review process excludes language correction. However, reviewers can suggest such corrections to be made to the manuscript. In the final round of revision, the Associate Editor will check the language and style of the manuscript and suggest corrections to the author. Where necessary, the Associate Editor may return the manuscript to the author for language/style revision.
The review period is determined by the response of the reviewers. Typically, the first round of the refereeing process is approximately 6 weeks, with a maximum of two months. In the event of delays in the review reports or contradictory report from the reviewers, further expert opinion will be sought on the manuscript. In the extreme case where it is onerous to identify a secondary opinion on the manuscript, and one of the referee’s reports offers satisfactory proof to the Editor, a decision may be made at the Editor’s discretion on the basis of one referee report. The editorial decision will be sent to the author alongside both reviewer’s recommendations. On receipt of the revised manuscripts, the Associate Editor will send them to the initial reviewers for checking; further revision may be requested.
The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief who is advised by the expert reviewers. The final decision will be sent to the author along with the recommendations made by the reviewers.
The decisions of the JSRE editors is final. However, authors may appeal a rejection by sending an email notification to jsre@jkuat.ac.ke within 30 days of receipt of the decision, providing detailed evidence of the flaws of the peer review process. Appeals will be reviewed by the editorial team, and a decision will be rendered by the handling editor.
JSRE allows papers that were previously deposited on preprint servers to be submitted for publication. The author should provide a disclosure in the cover letter that includes the name, website of the server and the DOI of the preprint. The submission will be subject to peer review. If the paper is accepted for publication, authors must withdraw any preprint versions before the article can be published in JSRE. The use of preprints as references is discouraged since they are considered as informal published works.
Publication Ethics
The Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering (JSRE) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). Reviewers and readers should direct suspected violations of publication ethics to the Editor-in-Chief.
Retraction of publication will be considered where there is substantiated evidence that the results are unreliable, either due to an error, data fabrication or falsification, which shall be considered plagiarism. Retraction will also be considered where there is evidence of infringement of copyright or other legal issues, use of data without authorization and unethical research. A notice of retraction will be published and linked to the article on the Journal website, dependent on the situation and in accordance with the COPE Retraction Guidelines.
Publication Frequency
JSRE is published quarterly. Submissions will be accepted throughout the year and accepted submissions will be included in the next available volume for publication. The journal has been published since 2014.
Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering is indexed on EBSCO and Google Scholar.